bored , fsiufhavsbiuCOh !

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a B or N?
Has anyone told you they don’t ever want to lose you?
um, don't think so. if so, don't remember.
What’s wrong with you right now?
i don't know.

Do you truly hate anyone?
noooo !
Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
um, i don't know.

firstly i don't know who i like ...
What color shirt are you wearing?

Have you ever woke up next to someone and wanted to puke?
nope, i haven't
Do you have a best friend?
What do your friends call you?
jobelle, bella.
What color are your eyes?
dark brown/black.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot?
a couple of months ago.
Will you be in a relationship in the next month?
um nope.
How often do you straighten your hair?
eh, i don't really straighten my hair.
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?

the past and the present. never the future, don't need to.
Is there someone who makes you instantly smile when you receive a message?
um, sometimes.
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
i hope so. i have something due tomorow and scared i may not finish it.
How late did you stay up last night?
um 11ish.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
How many pillows do you sleep with?

What is your current annoyance?
madgascar homework.
Do you want any children and how many?
yeep. two - a girl & boy. :)
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah !
Are you wearing makeup?
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
a few hours ago.
Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?
What’s the last song you heard?
dance the way i feel.
Are you in a good mood today?

yep, sorta. :)
Who would you be shocked to see call you?
i don't know.
What were you doing this time yesterday?
watching neighbours and on TFYN.

Whose car were you in last?
Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Has anyone lied to you lately?
don't know.
Are you currently getting over someone?
When was the last time someone gave you butterflies?
don't remember.
Would you rather be the heartbreaker or heartbroken?
um, both. lol.
Is there someone you can be your complete self around?
um yeah, mainly everyone. x)
What does your hair look like?
black, long, straight.
Is anyone jealous of you?
nope, hope not.
What hurts right now?
Does someone have feelings for you?

how am i supposed to know.
Who was the last phone conversation with and about what?
my friend - bekkah. and about everything.
One night stand or Relationship?
relationship !
Who is your last missed call from?
um, i think mum because i've lost my phone and she tried calling me.
Was today a good one?
What is your current mood?
annoyed with homework.
Who was the last person who made you angry?
don't remember.
Do you trust all your friends?
Do you think you can be in love with someone with out trusting them?
yes, but not completely in love.
Do you talk in your sleep?
Has any one told you they missed you lately?

What is the last thing you did before bed last night?
um logged off msn and went straight to bed.
Who’s bed were you last in besides your own?
um, parents. x)
Would you say that you are emotionally strong?
What are your plans for Friday?
play netball and go on internet all night long.
Do you like the idea of promise rings in relationship?
uhm, no.

How many people live in your house?
Plans for the weekend?
go shopping and go on internet.
Ever licked someones cheek or forehead?
If you could go back in time, would you change anything?
yes, i would change everything i did/said at camp this year.
What where you doing at 7:55 this morning?
getting ready for school.
What’s more important, trust or happiness?

trust :)
If you were offered to smoke weed right now would you?
heck no!
Planning to watch any movies anytime soon?
no but i want to watch step up 3 ! (Y)
What are you wearing right now?
t-shirt, leggings and a jumper.
Are promises important to you?


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