
1. Are you single - yes
2. Are you happy - yes
3. Are you bored – yep
4. Are you naked - nope
5. Are you a blonde - nope
6. Are you moody – nope
7. Are you a lover/hater - lover <3
8. Are you hot/cold - half/half
9. Are you Irish - nope
10. Are you Asian - yep

1. Name – jobelle
2. Middle name - lea
3. Any birth marks - yep; waist
4. Hair colour – black
5. Natural hair colour - black
6. Eye color - dark brown
7. Height - 159cm
8. Mood - not sure.
9. Favorite color – blue
10. One Place You Want to Visit - everywhere in america.

1. Do you believe in love at first sight - nope
2. Do you believe in soul mates - yes
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yup
5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? - nope
6. Ever had your heart broken? - nope
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - yeep.
8. Are you afraid of commitment? - nope
9. Who was the last person you hugged ? uhm khayzenne i thinkk.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? -Justin Bieber

1. Love or lust – Love
3. Cats or dogs – Dogs
4. A few best friends or many regular friends - both, cos in the end you are going to have regular friends.
5. Television or internet - internet
6. Chinese Or Indian -chinese (were talking about food right?)
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – wild night out.
8. Money or Happiness - happiness, but money wouldn't hurt.
9. Night or day - nighhtt
10. MSN or phone - phone, unless everyone was on msn all the time so wouldnt have to use credit x)

1. Been caught sneaking out – nope
2. Been skinny dipping - nope
3. Bungee jumped – nope
4. Finished an entire jaw breaker – nope
5. Lied to someone you liked – yep
6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back – dont have an 'ex'
8. Cried yourself to sleep?- nope
9. Cried because you lost a pet – nope
10. Wanted to disappear – yes, i use to always plan what i was going to pack in my bag x)

1. Smile or eyes - bothhhh!
2. Light or dark hair – don't really care.
3. Hugs or kisses - kisses
4. Shorter or taller – taller
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence
6. Romantic or spontaneous - romantic
7. Funny or serious - funny, but serious at the right time
8. Older or younger - older
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad Ass – sweet.

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yes
2. Ever had sex - no
3. Ever consumed alcohol? - no
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team –no
6. Ever been on a dance team- sorta,
7. Ever been on a sports team - yeep :)
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - yes
9. Ever kissed the same sex - nope
10. Ever been in a rap video? - no

1. Last phone call you made – i think it was my mother or sister
2. Last person you hung out with - the 6MG girls
4. Last time you worked – uhm last term.
5. Last person you tackled – dont remember but the last person who tried to tackle me was tom.
6. Last person you IM - tom
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - sister&mum
9. Last thing you missed – i missed netball training..
10. Last thing you ate - a piece of bread.

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? -
2. Be serious or be funny? - funny but serious when things get real.
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - whole
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? - parents

1. Simple or complicated?- Complicated
2. Retarded? - yes :P

1. Flowers or candy? - Flowers
2. Gray or black? - Black
3. Color or Black and white photos ? - both.
4. Sunrise or sunset? - Sunset
6. Staying up late or waking up early? - staying up late

1. Do you like anyone? - nope, well dont think i do
2. Do they know it? - nope i dont even know if i like anyone

1. Nervous Habits? - always have to go toilet if i get nervous :P
2. Are you double jointed? - nope
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? nooope, i want to cos it loooks cool but i cant! :(
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - no, i try to but FAIL!
5. Can you cross your eyes? - yep
6. Do you make your bed daily? - nope

1. Which shoe goes on first? - i think my left shoe goes on first.
2. Ever thrown something at someone? - yeees! haha
3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? - uhm, coins? but i have my keycard.
4. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twwwiirrlll
5. Have you ever eaten Spam? - yep, not the biggest fan of it.
6. Favorite ice cream? - thats a tough one. probably
7. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - 3 or 4 , ceebs checking
8. What’s your favorite beverage? - juice, any type of juice.
9. Do you cook ? - yeep :)

1. Last Alcoholic Drink - uhm dont know
2. Last Car ride - around 5 hours ago.
3. Last Movie Seen - eat pray love and before that easy A
4. Last Song Played - forget you - cee lo green

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