collingwood special, because i love them. ♥

i seriously love those boys.
first i'd like to say well done boys on saturday! ;) if somehow you-collingwoodplayers- ever look and read this post i just wanna say that i loveee you! ;)anyways they are wearing these wacky costumes cos mad monday, cos they won the afl 2010 grand finals :D but guess what i think .. they are still HHHHHOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!

back to grand finals talk. well done scotty pendelbury. dale thomas played super, super good i'd like to add. but don't get me wrong, all of the boys played good, actually better than good, they played the best! dane swaaanny, what can i say - you played the best as usual.
i'd like to write a letter to mr. steele sidebottom:
well steele, i'd like to say you have the most unique name i've heard in my life. thats what i love the most about you. aah you played so good and i could tell you were enjoying playing it. i also would like to say i love daisy's nickname for you and i'm pretty sure a lot of people call you this because of your unique name - steele sidebum ;) loooove it!

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